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Genital Herpes

Over 45 million Americans suffer from or are infected with Genital herpes every year. This means that 1 out every 5 adults in the country fall victim to this viral disease during some period in their lives. With women, the picture is still more shocking – 1 out of every 4 females in the United States are reported to be infected with the HSV-2 virus (the virus that is commonly responsible for genital herpes outbreaks) of which more than 45% are blacks while 18.3% represent the white population.

HSV2 stands for Herpes Simplex Virus 2. HSV1 is the virus responsible for cold sores. HSV2 can also cause surface lesions on the lips and face, but is more prevalent on the genitals. Both the viruses remain concealed or suppressed within the nerve roots after an outbreak, only to resurface when the immunity level drops down to a relatively low level.

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) that is yet incurable. As with HSV1 or cold sores, external outbreaks occur periodically then subsist – only to reappear again. Genital herpes are contagious even when an outbreak is not present, although to a lesser degree. Genital herpes can be transferred through sex, saliva or through direct or indirect touching of the infected area. (HSV1 and 2 can live for a small amount of time on cloth and linen and can be transmitted in this way

Genital Herpes Symptoms

Genital herpes symptoms or outbreaks include tingling sensations or sores (lesions) in the genital or ano-rectal area of the affected person. This stage is called the Prodrome stage. Although this warning symptom may vary from person to person, many people with genital herpes can tell through these symptoms when an outbreak is about to occur. Genital herpes treatment should be opted for immediately and the intake of an antiviral can ward off or at least control some of the distressing effects of an outbreak of genital herpes.

Genital herpes can affect the penis or the scrotum in males while with women it involves the inside of the vagina or the cervix, the buttocks and the thigh. In the beginning, there are the lesions that first appear as small reddish bumps, and then slowly develop into fluid-filled blisters that are itchy and painful (similar to cold sores). The affected areas often swell to some extent while the blisters open up, forming open sores which are very painful to the touch. In the latter stages of the outbreak, the sores scab over and eventually subsist – this stage is known as shedding. Other symptoms may include flushes with or without pain or a crack or rawness around the groin with accompanying headache, fever, unusual vaginal discharge and painful urination.


Diagnosis of genital herpes is usually not very difficult. First of all, if you have knowingly been in contact with someone who has genital herpes, and you are seeing the aforementioned symptoms, you probably have genital herpes. If you have sores that appear on the or around your genetalia that are blister like and scab over, then subsist you may have genital herpes. If the symptoms recur over and over, it is almost certain. When diagnosing genital herpes, always get a second opinion from your physician and make sure you notify anyone with whom you may in intimate contact with. Remember, genital herpes are incurable, and save for a little embarrassment; you will be saving that person a lifetime of symptoms.

Genital Herpes Treatment

Genital herpes may be treated in two principal ways:

• Episodic Treatment in which each outbreak is treated with antiviral drugs according to dosages that are marked by the attending physician,
• By suppressive genital herpes treatment in which the antiviral is taken everyday without any interruption.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention or the CDC suggests Suppressive genital herpes treatment for six or more outbreaks every year while figures indicate that 7 out of 10 people in the US have less than 6 outbreaks per year. This simple rule of thumb may easily set the routine for the intake of antiviral for people suffering from genital herpes.

BHT, or Butylated hydroxytoluene, is commonly prescribed as an anti viral medication. Helicase-Primase is another type of treatment called an inhibitor. As with most synthetic treatments, scientists are now finding that 1-2% of those suffering from genital herpes have a strain of the virus that is immune to these inhibitors. Presumably, that number will continue to rise.

Herpevac is a vaccine that is currently being tested that may result in a cure for the disease. Although this vaccine is ineffective for males (as of yet), it does seem to have a success rate of up to 70% in women. For the time being however, there is no cure for genital herpes, and treating the symptoms is the only current alternative.

The treatment prognosis from the CDC for suppressive or episodic treatment plans is not only for ‘prescribed’ antiviral medicines. The same rule of thumb can be used for natural treatments. Genital herpes may also be controlled through the use of essential oils and ointments that are made out of herbs and natural elements. The popularity of natural remedies has increased as of late for many reasons. The obvious reasons include the fact that natural treatments usually have no side effects. Further, many prescribed medicines are costly and can have serious side effects. Because HSV2 or genital herpes is not curable, the main treatments are used to suppress outbreaks. Natural remedies are now on par with synthetic drugs in their effectiveness for outbreak suppression.


If you have genital herpes, the first order of business is to see your physician. Not only will your doctor confirm your diagnosis, but he or she will also have important information about you that will determine what treatment methods are right for you, and which can be outright harmful. When discussing treatment, make sure to ask for alternative treatment options of only one is presented. Remember, if you are uncomfortable with prescriptions or synthetic drugs, as many people are, there is no harm in seeking another opinion on the efficacy of natural treatments. If you have genital herpes, please be adamant in making sure your partner understands the disease and is fully aware of your infection.

Centers for Diseas Control and Prevention:

US Department of Health and Human Services:

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists:


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